At Clifton Hill Primary School we provide students with rich, varied and rigorous experiences that explore the natural and social world in which they live. Where appropriate, we employ an integrated approach to learning, where natural links are made between subjects. Often referred to as 'Integrated Studies', this knowledge and understanding is taken from the Victorian Curriculum Learning Areas of Science, History, Geography, Economics, Civics and Citizenship, Health, Design and Digital Technologies.
Students are encouraged to build knowledge and understanding about a range of fundamental and powerful concepts that underpin each topic of study, such as systems, change, identity, and power. In each unit, students develop responses to significant and essential questions that provoke consideration of the world around them.
In order to provide learning experiences that engage and extend students with a diverse range of interest and abilities, teachers at Clifton Hill Primary School strive to differentiate the learning and students are encouraged and supported to investigate areas of interest and share their learning in a variety of ways. We aim to develop collaborative, and critical and creative thinking skills.
© Clifton Hill Primary School